Terms & Conditions
Last Updated on Dec 17th, 2022

Last modified: 12/17/2022

Terms and Conditions
You agree to these terms when you purchase a product or service on www.amylemonfitness.com such as a Stubborn Fat Loss coaching program or a subscription.

​Please READ carefully. By purchasing this product, the following Terms and Conditions are entered into by Amy Lemon Fitness Ltd (“Company”, “we”, or “us”) and You (“Client” or “You”) agree to the following terms stated herein.

Amy Lemon Fitness Ltd (herein referred to as “Amy Lemon Fitness” or “Company”) agrees to provide the Program, “Stubborn Fat Loss” or “Body Transformation” (herein referred to as “Program”) identified in online commerce shopping cart. As a condition of participating in the Program, you agree to be bound by and to abide by all policies and procedures set out in this Agreement, including those incorporated by reference.
As part of the Program, the Company shall provide the following to Client:
A Password Protected Program Platform: The Company shall maintain a Program Platform that will include video, audio and written lessons, and other training and support information. You shall have access to this Program Platform for 12 weeks.

The information provided through this site or sent to you by Amy Lemon Fitness Ltd trainer is intended to assist you in your fitness efforts. All information is of a general nature and is furnished for educational purposes only. You agree and acknowledge that Amy Lemon Fitness Ltd is not a medical organization, hospital or staffed by medically trained personnel. The information provided through this site or by our trainers is not intended as a substitute for medical counselling, or the professional advice of your personal physician.

Before you begin any fitness or nutrition program, consult your physician to determine if the fitness or nutrition program is right for your needs. Do not start a fitness or nutrition program if your physician advises against it.

Please note that the site affiliates or employees cannot provide you with medical advice and nothing that you may read on this site or that is otherwise provided to you by the site trainers, affiliates or employees should be construed as such.

Although Amy Lemon Fitness Ltd and the site’s trainers, affiliates and employees makes an effort to provide quality information to you, Amy Lemon Fitness Ltd disclaims any implied guarantee regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or relevance of any information provided through this site or sent to you by an Amy Lemon Fitness Ltd trainer or the site. For example, health, diet & fitness advice is often subject to updating and refining due to medical research and developments. No assurance can be given that the information provided through this site will reflect the most recent findings or developments with respect to the particular material. The site is intended for use only by healthy adult individuals.

The site is not intended for use by minors or individuals with any type of health condition. Such individuals are specifically advised to seek professional medical advice prior to initiating any fitness or nutrition effort or program. 

If you are suffering from any back injury or pain, like spondylosis, slipped disc etc. it is crucial to consult with your personal physician or doctor before you start your program. We have specific programs for these conditions but you have to make sure you must have medical confirmation you are safe to start a program.

You may place an order for services on our website or via one of our team members at any time.
We will send you an email to confirm the details of your order once your payment has been verified and your order has been processed.

Where appropriate you should be able to access the service/s by following the link/s displayed on a separate email and setup a profile in the Password Protected Program Platform.

Payment for the Services will be taken through our secure, third-party payment provider. We will make it clear to you who our payment provider is when you place your order. We will receive payment when our provider confirms that the transaction has been completed.

The price(s) of the services are displayed on our website or communicated via a phone or Zoom call with one of our team members at the time you place your order. Unless stated otherwise, all prices displayed or stated are inclusive of VAT. All prices are subject to change without prior notice.

You may cancel any order for a product or service you have purchased if you have not accessed the services or used the product.

We consider that a service has been accessed when you’ve started an online course, accessed our Password Protected Program Platform or have downloaded any content that is part of a service you have paid for.

The Company makes no warranties regarding the performance or operation of this website. The Company further makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the information, contents, materials, documents, programs, products, books, or services included on or through this website. To the fullest extent permissible under the law, the Company disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

We will contact you if we make a significant change to a product or service we are providing to you to let you know.

We reserve the right to edit or remove content, learning and offers available as part of subscription at any time.

Amy Lemon Fitness reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to services at any time, with or without notice or explanation, if it believes you fail to comply with these terms.  

Our Terms and Conditions are subject to change from time to time.

By using services provided by us, you agree to be bound by whichever version of the Terms and Conditions is published at such time.

Should we choose to change our Terms and Conditions, we will post the changes on this page. Where the changes are significant, we may email registered users with new details.

Amy Lemon Fitness is committed to its consumers, and while we stand by our policy as written above, we also want to understand how we can resolve the dissatisfaction and better understand how we can serve you. Please contact Amy Lemon Fitness at amy@amylemonfitness.com for any questions related to our policy, or simply to let us know how we can help.

Amy Lemon